
Monday, March 12, 2012

Day 1

First class on the module "Teaching Strategy" was about setting of ground rules, that was to followed effectively throughout the semester.We were introduced to the module, and I really felt interested in the module as it focused on the planning different strategies to be used in schools in the future.

In addition we were also taught about the importance of the meditation - mindfulness, that is likely to help us concentrate, focus in one thing mindfully. We learned about meditation, which takes us to fulfilling a successful implementation of Gross National Happiness classroom. We learned about the how to breathe, how to adjust body posture and what to concentrate on (we were to concentrate on our breathe rushing in and out).

We  learned about some biological facts and social facts,, like early birth-end full of complications and suffering. We too learned that it is not at all advisable for us to marry early, which might lead to neglecting Parents and relatives (who have nurtured us with great care and love despite their tears, blood and sweats.

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